
Rating Schedule Updates for Hip and Knee Replacement Benefits Were Not Consistently Applied

Report Information

Issue Date
Report Number
VA Office
Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA)
Report Author
Office of Audits and Evaluations
Report Type
Report Topic
Claims and Fiduciary
Major Management Challenges
Benefits for Veterans
Stewardship of Taxpayer Dollars
Questioned Costs
Better Use of Funds
Congressionally Mandated



The Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) uses the VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities (rating schedule) to determine monthly compensation to eligible veterans for service connected disabilities based on documented medical severity. In 2021, VA updated the rating schedule for the musculoskeletal body system. The VA Office of Inspector General (OIG) reviewed the effectiveness of VBA’s implementation of the changes to the rating schedule specifically for hip and knee replacements or resurfacing.

The OIG estimated that in approximately 33 percent of reviewed claims, VBA rating specialists did not assign the correct number of months when granting periods of convalescence. Ratings specialists lack effective tools to determine convalescence benefits and help calculate the proper period. The specialists rely on manually entered dates, increasing the risk of error. Approximately 18 percent of claims did not accurately consider veterans’ additional entitlement to special monthly compensation, and an estimated 38 percent resulted in improper payments of about $3.3 million dollars in total benefits overpayments and underpayments. Further, VBA did not sufficiently monitor claims decision accuracy following the rating schedule update. The OIG team also determined that although VBA provided training on the rating schedule update, nearly 75 percent of staff did not achieve a passing score of 80 percent and required retraining.

The under secretary for benefits concurred with the OIG’s four recommendations: (1) review hip and knee replacements and resurfacing claims completed from February 7, 2021, through August 31, 2022, to ensure benefits to veterans were correct; (2) implement a plan to assist rating specialists in determining accurate benefits; (3) develop procedures to monitor claims and ensure processing is compliant with rating schedule revisions; and (4) supplement training on rating schedule updates to improve comprehension on applying changes.

Open Recommendation Image, SquareOpenClosed and Implemented Recommendation Image, CheckmarkClosed-ImplementedNot Implemented Recommendation Image, X character'Closed-Not Implemented
No. 1
Open Recommendation Image, Square
to Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA)

Conduct a review of the convalescence claims for hip and knee replacements and resurfacing completed from February 7, 2021, through August 31, 2022, and take appropriate actions to correct convalescence periods and ensure monetary benefits are accurate.

No. 2
Open Recommendation Image, Square
to Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA)

Implement a plan to assist employees with determining the effective date, incorporating the initial month under 38 C.F.R. § 4.30, and calculating the duration of convalescence.

No. 3
Open Recommendation Image, Square
to Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA)

Develop implementation procedures to include monitoring the accuracy of claims processing when the related rating schedule has been revised.

No. 4
Open Recommendation Image, Square
to Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA)

Supplement training on the rating schedule updates to include how to apply the changes to help ensure comprehension.

Total Monetary Impact of All Recommendations
Open: $ 3,300,000.00
Closed: $ 0.00